Setting Up and Managing Bank Accounts

For better SEPA compliance and IBAN handling, it is recommended that you use any one of the following components to set up and manage bank accounts:

  • For student bank accounts:

    • Student Financials, Banking, Bank Accounts - Student

    • Student Financials, Student Financials NLD, NLD Student Accounts

  • For corporate bank accounts:

    • Student Financials, Banking, Bank Accounts - Corporate

    • Student Financials, Student Financials NLD, NLD Corporate Accounts

Note: The Convert Banking Records (SSF_BANK_CNV) process copies student and external organization bank account details from the Netherlands banking tables (PS_SSF_BANKACC_NLD and PS_SSF_COR_BANKACC) to the core Student Financials bank table (PS_SSF_BANK_ACCT). For business unit bank accounts, you manually add the account details to the core Student Financials bank table. This process migrates only active student and corporation bank accounts. Savings and checking accounts are migrated as is, while other account types are converted to Checking accounts and their corresponding Nickname fields are populated with the current account type and description from the Netherlands bank record. If you select IBAN Required in the Set up Common Objects, Common Definitions, Banking, IBAN Country Setup component for the Netherlands, only records that contain an IBAN are converted.

It is also recommended that you use the Convert Banking Records (SSF_BANK_CNV) process only once.

This section discusses:

  • Setting Up Account Information for Business Units

  • Setting Up Bank Account Numbers for Students

  • Setting Up Bank Accounts for Corporations

  • Setting Up Default Values for VERWINFO or Clieop03 Files

  • Using the Bank Accounts Work Center

  • Setting Up and Managing Student Accounts

  • Setting Up and Managing Corporate and Business Accounts

Page Name

Definition Name



Business Unit Bank Accounts


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Billing > Bank Accounts - Business Unit > Business Unit Bank Accounts

Establish bank account information for businesses.

Student Bank Accounts


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Billing > Bank Accounts - Student > Student Bank Accounts

Establish bank account information for students.

Corporate Bank Accounts


Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Billing > Bank Accounts - Corporate > Corporate Bank Accounts

Establish bank account information for external organizations.

Set Up default Values VERWINFO/Clieop03


Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > Layout for Verwinfo and Clieop > Set Up default Values VERWINFO/Clieop03

Set up default values for VERWINFO or Clieop03.

NLD Bank Accounts WorkCenter


Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > Bank Accounts Work Center

Provides a one-stop access point from which institutions in the Netherlands manage banking information for students, external organizations, and business units, as well as access SEPA mandate contracts.

NLD Student Accounts


  • Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > Bank Accounts Work Center > Student Banking > NLD Student Accounts

  • Student Financials, Student Financials NLD, NLD Student Accounts

Administer student accounts. This page accommodates all necessary administrative fields.

NLD Corporate Accounts


  • Student Financials, Student Financials NLD, Bank Accounts Work Center, Business Unit Banking, NLD Corporate Accounts

  • Student Financials, Student Financials NLD, NLD Corporate Accounts

Administer corporate accounts, including corporate accounts associated with a business unit. This page accommodates all necessary administrative fields.

Access the Business Unit Bank Accounts page ( Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Billing > Bank Accounts - Business Unit > Business Unit Bank Accounts ).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Business Unit Bank Accounts page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Business Unit Bank Accounts page

Field or Control


Account Type

Select one of these options to specify the type of bank account:



Note: If the Account Type is Giro, then the Bank ID is always Postbank. If the Account Type is Current, then the Bank ID can be any bank that you have set up. You can set banks up in Set Up Common Objects, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks.

Country Code

Select the appropriate country code.

Bank ID

Select the appropriate bank ID.

Account Number

Enter the account number.

Account Name

Enter the account name.

Currency Code

Select the currency code.

Contract Code

Select one of these options:

A-Contract: The collector is not permitted to add or cause to be added (OCR-B font) data to the reader strip of the submittal section of the accept giro.

B-Contract: The collector is not permitted to add the form code and the collector's account number to the reader strip, or to add the name, address, place of residence, or business and account number to the body.

C-Contract: The collector is permitted to add the form code and the collector's account number to the reader strip, or to add the name, address, place of residence, or business and account number to the body.

OLA Code

Select one of these options:

12: Deposit fees for payer with annotations.

13: Deposit fees for payer without annotations.

14: Deposit fees for collector with annotations.

15: Deposit fees for collector without annotations.


The name of the business unit account, if one is available.

Contact Person, Phone Number, Address Line 3, Number 1, Number 2, Postal Code, and City

Enter the appropriate information about the contact person.

Access the Student Bank Accounts page ( Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Billing > Bank Accounts - Student > Student Bank Accounts ).

For better SEPA compliance and IBAN handling, you can also use the Bank Accounts - Student page in the Student Financials, Banking component to set up student bank accounts. If you use this component, the information is saved in the Student Financials core bank table (SSF_BANK_ACCT).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Bank Accounts page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Student Bank Accounts page

Field or Control


Account ID and Account Status

Enter a unique ID for the bank account, and enter the status of the account. You can link more than one account to a student, so you must uniquely identify each account and its status.

Tuition Check

Select to specify this account to be used for the payment of tuition fees. This setting tells the system which account it should use for automatic debit or for the creation of giro slips. When you link bank accounts to a student, you must select this check box for one of the accounts.

Account Type

Select one of these options to specify the type of bank account:



Note: If the Account Type is Giro, then the Bank ID is always Postbank. If the Account Type is Current, then the Bank ID can be any bank that you have set up. You can set banks up in Set Up Common Objects, Common Definitions, Banking, Banks.

Country Code

Select the appropriate country code from the list.

International ACH Bank Account

Select to indicate that the bank account is an international bank account.

Bank ID

Select the appropriate bank ID.

Bank Branch ID

Select the appropriate bank branch.

Account Number

Enter the account number. The system validates the account number using Elfproef, the Dutch check for valid bank account numbers. Current bank account numbers must be less than seven digits long. Giro account numbers are not checked.

Account Name

Enter the account name.

Currency Code

Select the currency code.

Access the Corporate Bank Accounts page ( Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Billing > Bank Accounts - Corporate > Corporate Bank Accounts ).

For better SEPA compliance and IBAN handling, you can also use the Bank Accounts - Corporate page in the Student Financials, Banking component to set up corporate bank accounts, including corporate accounts associated with a business unit. If you use this component, the information is saved in the Student Financials core bank table (SSF_BANK_ACCT).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Corporate Bank Accounts page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Corporate Bank Accounts page

Use the Corporate Bank Accounts page to set up bank accounts for external organizations.

Access the Set Up default Values VERWINFO/Clieop03 page ( Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > Layout for Verwinfo and Clieop > Set Up default Values VERWINFO/Clieop03 ).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Set Up default Values VERWINFO/Clieop03 page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Set Up default Values VERWINFO/Clieop03 page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Set Up default Values VERWINFO/Clieop03 page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Set Up default Values VERWINFO/Clieop03 page (2 of 2)

Payment Details

Field or Control


Processing Type

Select one of these options:



Description and Short Description

Enter a long and a short description.

Invoice Filler

Enter seven numeric characters.

Type of Group

Depending on the processing type, some or all of the following fields appear.

Field or Control


Type of Group

Select one of these options:

Student Group

External Org Group

Account Type

Select the account type.

Recon Origin (reconciliation origin)

Select the reconciliation origin.

Item Type

Select the item type.

Currency Code

Select the currency code.


Select the term.

Charge Lst (charge list)

Select the charge priority list.

Date Format

Select a date format.

Access the Bank Accounts Work Center page ( Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > Bank Accounts Work Center ).

The Bank Accounts Work Center provides a singular access point from which you can set up and manage bank accounts for students and organizations in the Netherlands. From here, you can also access SEPA mandate contracts. To access the Bank Accounts Work Center, you need PeopleTools 8.51 or later. If you are using an earlier version of PeopleTools, you can still access the components in the Bank Accounts Work Center using the portal navigation.

The sample page shows a summary of all existing bank accounts of a student and the SEPA mandate contracts. If you click the Student ID, you can access the Bank Accounts - Student page, while the Mandate ID lets you access the Direct Debit Mandate for Students page. The Navigate Account Information pane on the left provides access to the components that let you set up or manage bank-related information.

Field or Control


SEPA Mandate Setup

Click to open the Mandate Setup page in the Work Center.

For versions earlier than PeopleTools 8.51, go to Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > SEPA Mandate Setup.

Bank Accounts Student

Click to open the Bank Accounts - Student page in the Work Center.

For versions earlier than PeopleTools 8.51, go to Student Financials > Banking > Bank Accounts - Student.

NLD Student Accounts

Click to open the NLD Student Accounts page in the Work Center.

For versions earlier than PeopleTools 8.51, go to Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > NLD Student Accounts.

Maintain SEPA Mandate

Click to open the Mandate Contracts page in the Work Center.

For versions earlier than PeopleTools 8.51, go to Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > Maintain SEPA Mandate.

Bank Accounts - Corporate

Click to open the Bank Accounts - Corporate page in the Work Center.

For versions earlier than PeopleTools 8.51, go to Student Financials > Banking > Bank Accounts - Corporate.

NLD Corporate Accounts

Click to open the NLD Corporate Accounts page in the Work Center.

For versions earlier than PeopleTools 8.51, go to Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > NLD Corporate Accounts.


  • Setting Up and Managing SEPA Mandates

  • Understanding Bank Account Setup

Access the NLD Student Accounts page ( Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > NLD Student Accounts ).

Use the NLD Student Accounts page to provide additional administrative information for student accounts in the Netherlands.

Field or Control


Account Name/Nbr

Select an active student account to administer.

If an account is already administered, this field appears as view-only.

Effective Date and Effective Sequence

Multiple accounts can be current on the same effective date and effective sequence. When you use a new effective date (or effective sequence within an effective date), all existing accounts are copied from the previous effective-dated row. You must make sure you administer all relevant accounts on the current row.

Student Accounts

This group box displays the account number, BIC code, bank name, bank branch ID, bank account ID, account status, and IBAN. These fields appear as view-only. The account number and IBAN are unencrypted.

Account Supplemental Info

You can administer supplemental account information for only for active accounts. For converted NLD accounts, the account ID is displayed. You can enable Tuition Check for only one active account at any given time.

Access the NLD Corporate Accounts page ( Student Financials > Student Financials NLD > NLD Corporate Accounts .)

Use the NLD Corporate Accounts page to provide additional administrative information for corporate accounts in the Netherlands. From this page, you can also retrieve and view bank account details.

To use the NLD Corporate Accounts page, the corporation must have an existing active bank account. Information about existing corporate bank accounts that are inactive can only be viewed.

Field or Control


External Organization or Business Unit

If you select Business Unit, you can set the business unit as a creditor in SEPA mandate contracts. External organizations cannot be set as a SEPA creditor.

Account Nbr Information

This group box shows unencrypted bank account information as defined in the Corporate Accounts page.

Field or Control


Account Name/Nbr

Select to administer an active corporate account.

If an account is already administered, this field appears as view-only.

Corporation Details

Field or Control


NLD Account ID

Enter the Netherlands account ID reference, or use a reference from a converted corporate account in the Netherlands.

Business Unit

Select a business unit for the account.


Enter an account ID.

External Org Location

Select a location. This location can be used to select a corporate account address in the Direct Debit Mandate for Students page.

Organization Contact

Select a contact person for the account.

Contract Code

This code is used only for Accept Giro processing.

OLA Code

Select a relevant OLA code. This is used only for Accept Giro processing.