Gupta Dynasty Definition Ap World History


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AP World History

Valhalla High School Bentley AP World Ch. 9

Term Definition Significance Unit Time Chapter Bentley Region
Political Vacuum The absence of political authority in a region which leads to other political authorities coming in to occupy said region. Kingdom of Magadha made use of the sudden departure of Achaemenid rule and established a powerful state. 1 Sixth century BC onward Chapter 9, Page 208 Northeastern India
Ashoka Maurya Mauryan king who united most of India. Managed to unite India enough so that local rulers could administrate India after Mauryan empire's fall. 1 304 BC-232 BC Chapter 9, Page 209-210 India
White Huns Central Asian nomads. Conquered the Gupta empire and established kingdoms in northern and western India. 1 Fourth century CE onward Chapter 9 Page 213 Bactria, then India
Patronage Financial support. Empires would demand patronage in exchange for protection. 1 Sixth century BC onward Chapter 9 India
Varna Hindu term for caste. The castes were the social framework of Indian society. 1 1700 BC onward Chapter 9 India
Brahmin Caste of priests in Hinduism. Acted as religious and sometimes political authority in Indian society. 1 1700 BC onward Chapter 9 Page 216-217 India
Siddharta Guatama Hindu noble of the warrior caste, later to become the Buddha. Created Buddhism and spread it about India. 1 563 BC-483 BC Chapter 9 Page 219-220 India
Four Noble Truths The core of Buddhist doctrine. Outlined concepts that would later be integrated into other religions. 1 First announced in 528 CE Chapter 9 Page 219 India
Dharma The Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path. The dogma of Buddhism. 1 Announced in 528 CE Chapter 9 page 220 India
Boddhisatva Idea about those who have reached enlightenment yet stayed in the mortal world to help others to the same. Served as examples of great Buddhists and helped spread Buddhism. 1 Began during third and first centuries CE Chapter 9 India
Bhagavad Gita A short literary work that outlines basic Hindu concepts. This is the main religious text for Hinduism. 1 Finished in 400 A.D. 9 India
Ramayana A Hindu text that gives a story that demonstrates the glory of dharma. It is supposed to demonstrates the ideal Hindu husband and wife. 1 Passed down orally from 1500-500 B.C., recorded in early centuries A.D. 9 India
Mahabharata An enormous Hindu (originally secular) text of a war between two cousins; the god Vishnu is prominent in this work. The Bhagavad Gita is derived from this text. 1 Passed down orally from 1500-500 B.C., recorded in early centuries A.D. 9 India
Artha One of the Hindu ethic concepts: the pursuit of economic well-being and honest prosperity. One of the main ethic concepts in Hinduism. 1 400 A.D. (Completion of Bhagavad Gita) 9 India
Four Castes India's social structure: Brahmin-priestly class Kshatriya-Warrior class Vaishya-Peasants and Merchant class Shudra-Serf class Brought social stability to India. 1 Originally circa 500 B.C. 9 India
Chandragupta Maurya Ruler who took advantage of the political vacuum in India. He founded the Mauryan Empire, which brought India under a central, unified government for the first time. 1 Had control over his kingdom in 321 B.C. 9 India
Tributary Alliances The Gupta Dynasty established tributary alliances with others nations that did not wish to fight. Expanded Gupta influence. 1 335-415 A.D. (The rule of Samudra Gupta and Changra Gupta II) 9 India
Kushan Empire Founded by a group of nomadic conquerers , ruled much of Northern India and Central Asia. Facilitaed interaction between India and its Northern neighbors, as well as helping trade along the Silk Roads. 1 1-300 A.D. 9 India
Caste System The social structure in India; The Indian Caste system was very rigid and made social mobility nearly impossible. Brought social stability to India. 1 Origins at circa 500 B.C. 9 India
Jati Subcastes in India. They were similar to guilds, and were based on occupation. Indians identified strongly with their jati. They performed servicies that their government neglected to do. 1 Sometime after 500 B.C. 9 India

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