Did Howard Stern Say He Will Never Vote for Dems Again

Grand reg Bump will not vote for Governor Brian Kemp considering "he sold us out in the election". Todd Allinger is bankroll Kemp considering "what he'southward done for the state of Georgia has been really positive". Teresa Richmond likes Kemp too merely volition "probably" vote for his rival, David Perdue, because of Donald Trump's endorsement.

The views of Republican voters in Carbohydrate Hill in the far northern Atlanta suburbs indicate that nothing can exist taken for granted in Tuesday's primary elections in Georgia, a state that has arguably eclipsed neighboring Florida equally the most pivotal battlefield in American politics.

At first glance, the primaries are shaping up as some other litmus exam of Trump's dominance of the Republican party. The former president has endorsed candidates up and downwardly the election who hew to his "large lie" that the 2020 election was stolen. Opinion polls suggest that at least some of them will lose.

But the victors volition not be moderates promising a repudiation of Trumpism. Their policies are mostly aligned with his "America showtime" vision and far-right positions on ballgame, transgender rights and the pedagogy of race in schools. The "Brand America peachy again" (Maga) move is endemic – even if Trump himself cannot entirely control information technology.

"What people don't really realize is that the Trump Republicans have taken over the party," said Marci McCarthy, who chairs the party in DeKalb county, which contains parts of Atlanta. "We saw something, we said something, we became motivated."

Georgia has obsessed Trump since he narrowly lost it to Joe Biden in 2020. He pressured Georgia'due south secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, to observe 11,780 votes to reverse the result and, having sown distrust in the electoral organisation, was then widely blamed for depressing Republican turnout in two Senate runoffs that gave Democrats command of the chamber.

Trump has since waged a personal vendetta against Kemp and Raffensperger for failing to subvert republic in his favor. He is backing master challengers David Perdue and Jody Hice, both content to amplify his imitation claims of voter fraud in their bids to become governor and secretary of state. Some Republicans here remain convinced that the issue is still strong.

McCarthy said: "It is truly incredibly important to accept President Trump'due south endorsement in our governor's race. We take become somewhat of a divided political party over the concluding ii years since the 2020 election considering there are people that don't desire to believe what happened.

"I believe that there were significant irregularities and deviations from our election code and through the absentee ballots. They overran the arrangement and overwhelmed information technology and there were massive irregularities and fraud."

Trump promoted such baseless allegations during a rally for Perdue in March. Kemp looks poised to fend off the claiming with assist from the National Rifle Association, Republican Governors Association, Georgia Sleeping accommodation of Commerce and, well-nigh intriguingly, Trump'southward former vice-president, Mike Pence.

Similar other incumbent governors, Kemp neutralised the Trump-backed threat past burnishing his ain rightwing credentials. He signed a beak that would ban abortions six weeks after conception, imposed fresh voter restrictions and backed a law allowing Georgians to carry guns in public without a license or background check.

Andra Gillespie, an associate professor of political science at Emory University in Atlanta, said: "From an ideological standpoint, except for certifying the results of the 2020 election, he's pretty much a by-the-book standard consequence bourgeois Republican."

"He's got a big infrastructure that he's been able to mobilise and he's got decades of relationships that he built as a country legislator, as secretary of state and now as governor. Those don't all go away considering Donald Trump is upset. And so Trump miscalculated here. Information technology merely doesn't brand sense disallowment a major scandal or weakness to go after an incumbent."

Kemp'due south rival, Perdue, was regarded as a business-oriented bourgeois during his six years in the US Senate, which came to an end with the runoff defeat by Jon Ossoff in January 2021. His calculated transformation into a Maga tribune – "The ballot in 2020 was rigged and stolen," he insisted in a contempo debate – has dismayed old Senate colleagues. Stance polls propose that his moral sacrifice is for goose egg.

Erick Erickson, a conservative radio host in Atlanta who has interviewed near candidates in the primaries, said: "Kemp's going to run abroad with it. Perdue never should have gotten into the race. It's actually hard to run a race for governor confronting the guy who, the month before, you were saying you supported."

The winner of the Republican primary is fix to face Stacey Abrams, who is unopposed for the Democratic nomination, in November. Abrams is pro-democracy activist who pushed Kemp close iv years ago in her try to become the country's first female African American governor.

Erickson added: "Kemp'southward bulletin is: I beat her in one case, I tin beat her again. Perdue couldn't even crush Jon Ossoff."

Kemp must poll above 50% to win the primary outright and avoid a runoff next month. He faces four rivals: Perdue, Kandiss Taylor, Catherine Davis and Tom Williams. Taylor, who admits she was "a little disappointed" not to receive Trump'southward endorsement, has been trying to outflank Perdue on Maga themes such as "Jesus, guns and babies" and, of form, voter fraud.

Taylor says she has clocked up 90,000 miles on the campaign trail and denies that voters are eager to move on from the 2020 ballot. "When you commit murder, if it's been xx years later, you get the capital punishment in Georgia," she said. "So, yeah, you lot commit treason, you get held accountable for that. I don't care if it'south been a year and a half or two years."

Stacey Abrams, who will run for governor for the Democratic party.
Stacey Abrams, who volition run for governor for the Autonomous party. Photograph: Matthew Pearson/Rex/Shutterstock

Taylor, 41, from Baxley in southern Georgia, has spent near of her career equally a school counsellor. She claims that another key voter concern is pedagogy, specifically "a liberal agenda existence pushed into our schoolhouse system and sexualising our children".

Georgia, once linchpin of the slave-owning Confederacy, has long been a crucible of America'due south racial tensions. Towering exterior the state capitol in Atlanta is a statue of Richard Russell, a US senator who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Deed, filibustered anti-lynching bills and co-wrote the "Southern Manifesto" to ho-hum the racial integration of public schools.

Inside the ornate building the walls are lined with portrait after portrait of country governors, all of them white men, one with what appears to exist a Confederate flag hanging to a higher place his shoulder. There is a bust of Alexander Stephens, vice-president of the Confederate states and later governor of Georgia, and a portrait of the Confederate full general Robert E Lee.

Nearby is the wood-paneled governor'south function. On a recent Tuesday, when the Guardian entered, a large TV was tuned to Fox News and a commercial pause in which the election conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell was promoting his company MyPillow. Kemp himself was not present and proved unavailable for interview.

A portrait of Atlanta-built-in Martin Luther King, meanwhile, is tucked abroad in a corner of the state capitol. An information panel notes that, during most of his lifetime, the capitol was racially segregated and it is uncertain whether he ever entered the building.

Concluding twelvemonth, Raphael Warnock, pastor of the church where Male monarch preached, made history every bit Georgia's first Black senator, a symbolic stride towards "the new south". But he is up for re-election in November and probable to face up some other African American man, Herschel Walker, a onetime football star, political novice and signifier of the weight of celebrity in mod politics.

Walker, 60, gained folk hero condition in the state after leading the University of Georgia to the national championship in 1980 (a triumph they did not repeat until this yr). Four years later, Trump bought a professional person squad that wooed Walker away from Georgia. Walker wrote in his memoir: "Mr Trump became a mentor to me and I modeled myself and my concern practices after him."

Trump has endorsed Walker'due south Senate campaign but, such is the candidate's local fame, he would probably win the Republican nomination anyway. Voters seem unconcerned past his refusal to debate opponents, bizarre statements ("At one time, science said man came from apes. Did information technology not? Well, this is what's interesting, though. If that is true, why are there nevertheless apes? Think almost information technology") and troubled by.

Herschel Walker, the former Heisman Trophy winner, in Commerce, Georgia in March.
Herschel Walker, the one-time Heisman Trophy winner, in Commerce, Georgia, in March. Photo: Megan Varner/Getty Images

A recent Washington Post profile of Walker told how in the early 1990s, "equally he explained to Howard Stern in an interview in 2010, he started playing Russian roulette, seated in the kitchen of his suburban Dallas home, loading a solitary bullet in a .38-quotient Smith & Wesson, spinning the sleeping accommodation, placing the gun to his temple and pulling the trigger.

"He did this more than half a dozen times over the side by side decade, he said, non because he was suicidal but just for the thrill of contest, a claim that shocked even Stern. 'At no signal do yous say to yourself, "I dearest living"? "I love life"?' Stern asked him.

"'No, I don't think I ever realized that,' Walker said. 'I just love to compete. And I thought that was the ultimate game of competition.'"

Among other cherry-red flags, Walker'due south ex-wife secured a protective order against him in 2005 and cited "physically abusive and extremely threatening beliefs" in her filing for divorce.

Merely Shelley Wynter, a radio host in Atlanta who recently interviewed Walker in front of an audience, said these stories were unlikely to hurt the candidate because he was upfront most them in a memoir and because political attempts to exploit mental wellness could backfire.

"The Democrats have to trip the light fantastic toe a fine line effectually that because what you're substantially saying is that every single person, particularly Black men, who have sought aid for mental health, yous can't be hired, y'all shouldn't be brought into a company," he said.

"The Democrats – and the Republicans – are hard pressed to make that an assault. It becomes the voters' decision. Does a voter experience comfy voting for someone who's had these past problems? That's a fair question on the voter's role but I don't call up it's a wise attack if you're running against him."

Walker's cheerleaders include Newt Gingrich, a former Business firm speaker who spent office of his childhood in Georgia and has been campaigning on Perdue's behalf. He said: "Herschel's extraordinarily important to the future of the state.

"Having an accomplishment-oriented, very competitive African American Republican senator working with Tim Scott [a Black senator from Southward Carolina] will exist an enormous asset and I think he'll shake up the Senate."

Gingrich is not troubled past Walker'southward outsider status. "If you lot would similar to have a non-politician, having somebody who doesn't know much most politics may be an advantage."

Come November, Georgia may be at the mercy of national trends. The party that holds the White Business firm tends to lose seats in midterm elections. Abrams and Warnock will also have to grapple with voter suppression too as concerns over inflation, crime and the southern border that have caused Biden's poll rating to plummet.

Jay Williams, a Republican strategist in the state, said: "You're going to meet Republicans come out in droves. Republicans are admittedly motivated in this ballot, more than I've ever seen, and the polling shows that. It'due south going be very hard for a Democrat to make the instance that, afterward leading the country for 2 years in the Business firm, Senate and presidency, they're doing a skillful job."

Whether the Republican nominee for governor, senator and other positions at stake in Georgia on Tuesday is mild-Maga, middle-Maga or ultra-Maga might not make much deviation. From Idaho to Nebraska to North Carolina, voters have already shown their willingness to separate Trump from Trumpism when pragmatism demands.

Williams added: "By and large, Republicans support what Trump did as president. They support some of the things that he'due south doing at present. They can differentiate betwixt Trump being Trump and voting for who they desire in Georgia.

"Republicans are not this commonage group where it'south like we do it all every bit a grouping together. Nosotros are pretty independent. We brand our ain decisions. as much as everybody says nosotros're Trump's political party. These people on a national level may support Trump but on a local level they may want their guy. They can run into them coexisting together."

Dorsum in Sugar Loma, Kyle Renuart, 51, a business evolution manager conveying groceries from a supermarket to his car, was a instance in betoken. "We're definitely Trump supporters simply right now the all-time one to go confronting Stacey Abrams would be Kemp because he'south already beaten her," he said. "We're definitely leaning towards the Kemp campaign because we know nosotros're not a big fan of Stacey Abrams."


Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/21/georgia-us-politics-midterms-trump-republicans

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